The Hidden Diary Chapter 1 - Shruthi's Death

 It is the month of September, rain clouds gracefully released their water over the bustling city of Mumbai. The rain saturated the streets as the overcast sky painted a serene backdrop. Amidst the rhythmic rain, a church emerged, showcasing its majestic architecture against the downpour. The church, with its tranquil ambiance, stood tall and dignified. As the raindrops continued their dance, a teenage boy ventured into the church. Upon entering, the striking architecture of the church unfolded before him. The high ceiling was adorned with lights and fans, evenly spaced, creating an intricate and majestic space. The light filtering through the windows painted vibrant colors on the stone-surfaced floor, enhancing the beauty of the surroundings.

  The boy’s footsteps echoed softly, as he walked down throughout the church. The boys finds a place for himself and started muttering in front of Jesus statue, “Dear Father, today the city venturing in rain same me also venturing with grief of my friend’s death. Shruthi, she was the bravest among us, a kind hearted girl. She was a born mute girl but her spirit spoke than that. But today she is gone from the world and most shocking was she did suicide. It is hard to believe, why should she did like that? She set us as an example, how should we live our life? But today, she did that I am totally confused here.” As he was lost in his thoughts, a gentle voice called him from behind, “Daniel.”

  Startled, Daniel turned around to find Father Thomas, the elderly priest of the church, standing behind him with a comforting smile. The soft glow of candles around the Jesus statue illuminated the compassion in Father Thomas's eyes. He spoke gently, “Daniel, my son, I overheard your prayers. I understand the weight of grief you carry in your heart. Sometimes, life presents us with questions that are difficult to answer.” With grief in his eyes, Daniel replied, “Father, after this church, the only place I am happier is around my friends. Today, one of us is not there. What's more, she committed suicide. That's what I can't accept.” The boy's grief was palpable, and the priest sensed the heaviness in his heart. Father Thomas continued, “Losing someone we care about is one of the most challenging aspects of life. And when it happens through something as bewildering as suicide, the questions become even more difficult to answer.”

  Thomas then further said, “By the way, what about her family? Did you all meet them?” Daniel took a deep breath, wiping away a tear, and replied, “Father, we haven't had the courage to face her family yet. We're afraid of how they'll react, especially considering the circumstances of Shruthi's passing.” Father Thomas nodded understandingly, “It's a delicate situation, Daniel. Facing the grieving family is never easy, especially when the cause of their loved one's departure is so painful. However, offering your support and condolences can bring comfort in unexpected ways.” Encouraged by Father Thomas's words, Daniel decided it was time to extend a compassionate hand to Shruthi's family.

  He gathered the strength to visit Shruthi’s home. The rain had eased, leaving a refreshing scent in the air as they walked through the city streets. Upon reaching Shruthi's home, he was greeted by Shruthi’s parents. After a few moments, we see Daniel and Shruthi’s parents in the living room. As they sat together in the living room, the atmosphere shifted from sorrow to a bittersweet acknowledgment of the vibrant life Shruthi had lived. Her father started saying, “Shruthi was a gift for us. After 10 long years of marriage, she came into our life. In the deepest down moment, she never let her smile fade away. Daniel, I still remember a few days ago. You, Ravi, Maya, Ismael, and Shruthi, how you all were making fun of each other and enjoying those moments. Daniel, do you know if she was suffering from any trauma?”

  As the room resonated with tears, Daniel gathered the strength to respond, “Shruthi never mentioned anything that would indicate she was going through a difficult time. She was always the source of positivity among us, spreading joy and laughter wherever she went. Her spirit was indomitable.” Shruthi's mother, with tearful eyes, added, “She was indeed a blessing to us. Always full of life, but it's just fate. Daniel, since Shruthi is not with us, don’t forget us. You all visit us often.” Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Daniel nodded earnestly, promising to stay connected with Shruthi's family and offer support in their time of grief. The rain outside seemed to echo the collective sorrow within the room, as if nature itself was mourning the loss of a bright soul.

  The following day, Ravi, Maya, Ismael, and Daniel sat in the classroom, weighed down by the lingering grief of Shruthi's passing. Once a vibrant group, they now sat somberly, their usual banter replaced by unspoken sorrow. In that moment, Ravi asked, “Daniel, are Shruthi’s parents okay?” To which Daniel responded, “Nope, just like us, they are also grappling with the immense pain of losing their beloved daughter.” Maya then expressed, “I can’t believe she died by suicide.” Daniel nodded, his eyes reflecting the shared pain, “It's unimaginable, Maya.” Ismael added, “Sometimes, the battles people fight are invisible. We can't blame ourselves for not seeing it. What's important now is to support each other and her family.” Ismael continued, “Guys, do you remember how we all met?” Maya responded with a small smile, “How can we forget? It's because of her that we are all friends today.”

  The scene shifted a few years back to June 9th, marking the beginning of the monsoon season. The clouds in the sky acted as a barrier before the sun, suggesting an imminent rain. In this setting, students were seen entering the college after a long summer vacation. The atmosphere was charged with a new phase of energy, with freshmen marking their footsteps inside the college. Maya proceeded towards room number 19, designated for information technology degree freshmen. Upon entering, she found a place for herself inside the classroom. Meanwhile, Ismael was seen befriending Daniel. Ismael greeted him with a friendly, “Hi bro, I am Ismael,” to which Daniel responded with his name. Ismael then inquired, “Daniel bro, has the professor arrived?” Daniel replied, “Not yet,” and the two engaged in a discussion about their earlier experiences.

  In the meantime, we see Ravi sitting two benches ahead of Daniel and Ismael, alone, waiting for the professor to arrive. All the students are eagerly waiting for the professor. Suddenly, a 40-year-old man enters the class in formal attire. Judging by his appearance, the students recognize him as the professor. As he walks in, the students greet him in unison. The professor responds, “Good morning, students. Please take your seats.” He continues, “I warmly welcome all of you, my first-year students. I am Ramchandran, the Head of the IT department in this college. Before delving into academics, let’s start with some introductions. One by one, please come here and introduce yourself.”

  The students sat in anticipation, and one by one, they began to come to the front of the class and share a bit about themselves. The atmosphere, initially filled with nervous energy, gradually transformed into a sense of excitement. As the introductions were underway, it became Ravi's turn to introduce himself. Ravi walked to the front to everyone and said, “Myself Ravi, I completed my junior college from Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science. That’s all.” It was the shortest introduction in the class, leaving everyone with a sense of bewilderment. The professor, unsure of how to respond, simply asked Ravi to return to his seat and encouraged the next student to continue with their introduction.

  After Ravi, it was Maya turn to introduce herself. She came to the front of everyone and started saying, “Hello all, myself Maya. I am from Chembur. I completed my high secondary from Kartnaka Junior College of Arts and Science. The reason for choosing this course, because I want to learn the world of coding and to explore it.” Maya's introduction brought a refreshing energy to the room, breaking the somber mood that lingered after Ravi's brief statement. The professor smiled and nodded, appreciating Maya's clarity of purpose. He encouraged her to take her seat, and the introductions continued. The next turn was Shruthi.

  With the morning sunlight falling upon her, Shruthi stepped forward with a genuine smile illuminating her face. Everyone was anticipating what she was going to say, but ironically, she did something else. She took a chalk and started writing on a large blackboard. She wrote, ‘Hi, I am Shruthi. I am a born mute girl.’ At that moment, everyone in the class realized she was a mute girl. She continued to write, ‘I have completed my schooling,’ and at that moment, she got interrupted. From the group of students, someone said, “Is she going to continue writing like this only? Don’t we have time or what?” The professor got furious upon hearing such a statement. He asked, “Who was that? I asked, who was that?” The professor couldn’t find who made such a comment. At that moment, Shruthi felt it was better to end her introduction. So she decided to conclude her introduction, and she was ready to return to her place with a smile. At that moment, a ray of hope raised its voice.

  Daniel stood in his place and said, “Sir, if you don’t mind, may I help her?” The professor questioned him, “Do you know sign language?” Daniel replied affirmatively, “Yes, sir,” and the professor agreed to let Daniel assist Shruthi. Approaching Shruthi, Daniel introduced himself, “Hi Shruthi, I am Daniel. Do you know sign language?” She nodded in agreement. Then he said, “Okay, if it is alright with you, can I be your translator?” Shruthi was caught in a moment of contemplation, unsure whether to accept his offer or not. As she thought, Shruthi felt inside her that an unknown person like Daniel was ready to help her. So, accepting his offer might be more okay than denying it. Thus, she accepted his offer. Shruthi then explained to Daniel what she wanted to convey. After hearing all this, Daniel was ready to translate the things Shruthi wanted to express.

  Daniel started saying, “Hi, everyone, I am Daniel. I will convey what Shruthi wants to say here. She’s a born mute girl. She completed her high secondary from Southern Junior College of Arts and Science. She took this course to learn the world of coding. Despite her inability to speak, she believes she will shine her best. Also, at the end of the day, whether she's mute or not doesn’t matter because, in the end, she faces her problems not by hiding in shadows.” After hearing the last statement, Shruthi looked at Daniel in shock because the last statement was not said by her; it was a made-up statement by Daniel. Daniel's words echoed through the classroom, breaking the silence that had followed Shruthi's interrupted introduction. But her shock turned into a grateful smile, realizing that Daniel not only understood her but also beautifully expressed her resilience.

 The professor appreciated Daniel for his compassion and willingness to help. He said, “Great job, Daniel” and Daniel responded, “Thank you, sir.” The professor then continued, “Shruthi you can take your seat,” Shruthi and Daniel started heading to their place. The professor interrupted by saying, “Daniel where are going?” Daniel replied, “To my place sir,” and professor said, “I said only Shruthi, not you. You are forgetting about your introduction.” Daniel, slightly embarrassed, returned to the front of the class as the professor reminded him to introduce himself. With a sheepish smile, he began sharing his story.

  He said, “Hi everyone, I am Daniel. I am from Sion. I completed my high secondary from St. Antonio College of Arts, Science and Commerce. I have chosen this course because I have a keen attraction to his childhood. Also I am an orphan, so I like to be friends with everyone. That’s all.”  The classroom fell silent as Daniel shared his personal story, revealing a part of himself that he hadn't openly spoken about before. Professor Ramchandran, moved by Daniel's sincerity, commended him for his honesty and courage. "Thank you, Daniel, for sharing a piece of your life with us. You can go to your place." Then he headed to his place.

  As he reached his place, Ismael appreciated Daniel by saying, “Bro that was incredible! You really saved the day for her.” Daniel responded, “It was just a help.” Ismael then added with a slight emotional tone, “Also, it is hard to hear that you are an orphan, bro.” Daniel replied with a smile, “There is nothing hard here; I am just a bit unlucky to have experienced any parenthood in my life, that's all.” Touched by Daniel's resilience and kindness, Ismael looked at him with newfound respect. The weight of Daniel's words deepened the bonds between them. As they continued talking, it was Ismael's turn to introduce himself, so he went to give his introduction.

  As Ismael left, Ravi approached Daniel. He first introduced himself and appreciated Daniel, “Hi bro, I am Ravi.” Daniel saluted him, “Hi bro,” and then Ravi said, “You really did an incredible job there, bro.” Daniel replied, “That was just help.” He then further asked, “By the way, did you make up the last line?” As he heard the question, Daniel's eyes widened, and he asked nervously, “How did you know that?” Ravi, with a smile, responded, “Then my assumption was right. It was simple, bro. Until that last statement, there was no change in her face. But as you said the last line, Shruthi looked at you in shock. In that way, I assumed it.”

 As he heard those things, Daniel felt a mixture of tension and fear. But Ravi assured him by saying, “Don’t worry, I will not tell anybody. You just did the right thing. So no worries.” Relieved by Ravi’s understanding, Daniel thanked him, saying, “Thanks, bro.” In the meantime, Ismael started giving his introduction speech, “Hello all, myself Ismael. I am from Ghatkopar. I completed my higher secondary from P.C. Sri Junior College. I am just an average student, and I took this course because, from childhood, I like gaming. Also, I have a fascination for creating games, that’s all.

  Later, after class, we see the five of them standing in the corridor. Maya thanked Daniel for helping Shruthi, saying, “Daniel, you did a great job by helping her.” Daniel, again with a simple gesture, said, “It’s just a small help.” Shruthi also thanked Daniel in sign language, and in reply, Daniel said, “It’s okay.” Maya then asked, “By the way, where are you all going?” Ismael replied, “We haven't decided much. Just thinking of roaming around the campus.” Maya suggested, “We both were heading to the canteen. Will you join us?” The three of them looked at each other, and both Daniel and Ismael agreed. Ravi tried to avoid them by giving some reasons, but Ismael stopped him and made him agree to join them. This way, their five-petal friendship blossomed.

  The day shifted to the present timeline as Ravi, Daniel, Maya, and Ismael walked out of the college. All four of them were still engulfed by their friend’s death. As they walked, Ravi asked, “Maya, will Aditya be available at the police station?” Maya responded, “He might be,” and Ravi then said, “Okay, then we will all go there.” Ishmael replied, “Ravi, is it really okay if we go there?” Ravi responded, “I just want to meet him. If you don’t want to come along with me, then fine. I will go myself.” Daniel replied, “Ravi, it's not like that. But we can go later also.” Ravi said, “I already made my decision. Now it's up to you.” Maya then suggested, “Ishmael, it's better if we go along with him instead of arguing.” Ishmael replied in frustration, “Fine, whatever.”

 The four then headed to the Ghatkopar police station where they Aditya, Maya’s brother. Aditya is a Sub Inspector Officer of Ghatkopar police station. We see all five of them at the nearby tea shop. There are some tensed in Ravi’s face as he don’t know how to talk about what he is thinking. Aditya on the other side were ordering tea for everyone. Along with Ravi; Ismael, Daniel and Maya were also in tensed as they don’t know what Ravi is upto. As Aditya note there facial reaction, he asked, “What happened don’t you all like to have tea?” They all said in chorous, “No bro, not like that.” Adtiya then questioned, “Why all your face looked tensed?”

  Ravi with slight hesitation tone, he said, “Bro, actually we have came for something like this,” as Ravi continued with his words. Aditya interrupted him, “I know what you all came here for. It is hard for you all to believe that Shruthi could have done suicide.” Aditya questioned then, “Do you believe that also, bro?” Aditya immediately responded, “Nope, that’s why I investigating this privately.” As soon as privately word came out from Aditya words, Daniel questioned, “Privately! Bro, can’t you investigate this officialy?” Aditya sighed, and started saying. "Daniel, for you all Shruthi’s death is more personal. But from a police point-of-view, Shruthi’s case is just one of the case where we all see in our day – to – day life. Also from police side, Shruthi case is declared as suicide. If we have to reopen the case, there will be more procedure we have to go through. But I will assure you that, I will investigate this privately on my own. You all people, don’t worry about it.”

  Aditya's revelation gave them hope, and they all left that place. However, Ravi couldn't fully comprehend Aditya's words, and skepticism lingered within him. As the four of them headed home, Ravi spoke up, “Guys, I've decided to investigate Shruthi’s death myself.” All three looked at Ravi in shock. With the speed of the wind, they all started arguing with Ravi's decision. Daniel asked, "Ravi, are you serious?" Ravi replied, “I am.” Ismael questioned him, “Aditya's brother told us he would investigate Shruthi's death privately. Why are you making this decision now?” Ravi said, “After hearing such a response, do you think I will remain silent?” Maya then replied, “Ravi, don’t you believe in my brother or what?” Ravi responded, “It's not that I don't believe in Aditya, but at the same time, I can't watch this silently.”

  Ishmael then asked furiously, “What were you thinking? Do you know anything about investigation? What are the procedures? Do you have any knowledge about this?” Ravi responded, “Yes, I don’t know anything about it. But still, I'll make every effort to solve Shruthi’s death.” Ishmael laughed and replied, “You were thinking that you're some kind of detective. Since morning, I've seen you making your own decisions and assuming that we three will follow them.” Ravi then said, “I can unravel Shruthi’s death myself. If you all want to join, it’s up to you; I am not forcing anybody.” Ishmael then replied, “If you think that, you're assuming I will join you. These two might join you, but I will not. Goodbye.” After that, Ishmael left the place. As he left, Ravi said furiously, “Maya and Daniel, if you both decide to join me, that’s good. If not, then I will investigate it privately.”

  After saying that, he also left the place. After they both left, Maya and Daniel looked at each other. Maya asked, “Why were they fighting like this?” Daniel replied, “What can we say, Maya? What have you decided?” Maya replied, “I am in a total state of confusion. I need to think about it. And you?” Daniel then replied, “Same, I will text you later regarding my decision.” Maya responded, “Okay,” and after that, they both started heading to their respective homes.



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